About Me

My photo
I'm a die-hard fan of White, Black and Purple. Not much of Pink actually. I'm in love with GVC, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Feelin Down . .=(

 okay . lately kitorang selalu 'dushdushh' gaduh . .
yelhaa aku cerewet asyik na salahkan dia tapi aku kenal dia
so if ade perubahan kad dia naluri aku terasa
(aku.hebad.lhaa.konon) . . but it's the fact !
then now aku dah tau puncanya , so aku memang down gilaa . .
tapi aku ta tahulha kan kenapa ?WHY ??
 aku still bley accept dia dalam hidup aku , kalau takdea dia aku rasa semacam
 #there must be something wrong somewhere rite ?
 HAHA ! itulah aku . .
dari dulu hingga kini =')
mungkin secara fizikalnya aku berubah tapi itu hanya pada zahirnya
infact : perasaan aku masih sama =')
mungkin awak je taktahu itu semua :'l

Monday, 15 August 2011

*beep beep '' . . . my hearts is beating :)

All I see is your smile
All I hear is your voice
All I long touch is you
All I desire you

I may not be as strong as you are
I may not have the faith to move mountains

But I have a pure, innocent love
That knows no boundaries
Give me your nightmares
I will give you my dreams <3

# noo story . .sajesaje jerr :P mengimprove skill mengupdate blog XDD